Passport/Birth Certificate Information

Because we are traveling to another country, all students will need to have either a passport or an original birth certificate. With this being a school trip, all students can either use an origial birth certificate OR a passport for identification. (Even students older than 16 can use just an original birth certificate when traveling with a school group.)

Please see the attached information about obtaining a passport and/or an original birth certificate. PASSPORTS or ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES MUST BE OPTAINED BY JANUARY 24, 2020 and shown to Mr. Petersen to make a school copy. They will then be returned to you until the trip. Originals will then need to be returned to the trip coordinators one week for before the trip to be prepared and organized to take on the trip. (More detailed information will follow as the trip gets closer.)

General Birth Certificate Information.pdf
General Passport Information.pdf