5th Grade

What do we do in 5th Grade Music?


  • Through a variety of musical activities, students will demonstrate musical standards through creating, performing, and responding.

  • Students will be able to sing songs of various styles and cultures using their head voice.

  • Students will be able to play a variety of instruments by echoing the teacher, creating their own patterns, playing from memory, and reading notation.

  • Students will be able to create tonal and rhythmic patterns using their voice and instruments.

  • Students will be able to identify different genres and styles of music and make connections between personal experiences and a musical work.

  • Students will be able to demonstrate active listening as an audience member.

  • Students will work towards being tuneful, beatful, and artful in and out of the music classroom.

Units covered in 5th grade:

  • Jingle Project: Students will learn what jingles are in advertising. How are they used in TV and radio commercials and why they are useful. Students will then work in small groups to create their own jingle for a made up product and create a commercial.

  • Ukuleles: Students will add another instrument to their skills by learning the foundational skills of the ukulele. Students will learn simple chords and progressions and begin to accompany themselves for simple melodies.

  • African American Musicians: Students will learn about African American musicians who were revolutionary in their impact on various musical styles in America.

  • African American Music Timeline: Starting from the music of Africa and how it was brought to the U.S. through the slave trade, students will see the influence of African music styles and African American musicians on the progression of musical styles and genres in the U.S.

  • African Drumming: Along with our studying of African music, students will learn about African drumming. After this unit, students will be able to play the Djembe, understand the importance of drumming in African culture, and play and create rhythms on the drum.

  • Conversational Solfege: Students will learn various tonal and rhythmic elements through learning patterns, songs and rhymes by ear and reading notation. Students will learn to listen and echo, create and read notation.

  • If Time... We love to end class with a fun musical game or dance party. But only if we have time after getting through all of the planned activities for the class!

What have we done so far this year?

Jingle Project

  • In groups of 4 or 5, students worked together to create...

    • A product and company selling the product

    • A Slogan for the company and product

    • A Jingle to be used in commercials promoting the product and company

    • A TV commercial script between 15 and 45 seconds long that includes the jingle

    • A video recorded commercial that can be seen below!


African American Music

  • Black Musicians

    • Louis Armstrong

  • African American Music Timeline

    • African Music

5th Grade Jingle Projects 2021

Cheese for Bees - 5W.mp4

Cheese for Bees

Color Cars - 5O.mp4

Color Cars

Cream Betweens - 5W.mp4

Cream Betweens

Flash Foods - 5W.mp4

Flash Foods

Healthy Pills - 5O.mp4

Healthy Pills



Maui Beauty Products.mp4

Maui Beauty Products

Potato Party - 5O.mp4

Potato Party

5th Grade Chorus


By end of December:

  • Learn rehearsal procedures and expectations

  • Follow a conductor

  • Sing unison melodies with roughly 80% pitch accuracy.

  • Sing unison melodies with phrasing and dynamics

  • Sing at least one round and one partner song

  • Read a unison melody in notation

By end of the year:

  • Follow rehearsal procedures and expectations with little to no issue

  • Follow a conductor with accompaniment

  • Sing unison melody with 100% pitch accuracy

  • Sing all songs with phrasing, dynamics and emotion

  • Sing multiple rounds and partner songs

  • Read a simple round and/or partner song in notation

A typical Chorus rehearsal:

  • Energize the Body: Stretch and get the entire body ready to sing. Our body is our instrument in chorus!

  • Energize the Breath: It is important to have good breath support by taking a good singers breath when we sing!

  • Energize the Ear: Most often, we are learning our repertoire using our ear, even if we have notation in front of us. It is important that we can hear melodies, rhythms, and especially when there is a mistake!

  • Energize the Voice: Before we can sing our repertoire, we need to make sure we are using our singing/ head voice. Singing in our chest voice or speaking voice does not produce the beautiful choral sound we are looking for!

  • Energize the Song: Lastly before we get to repertoire we plan to prepare for a concert, we will sing together as a chorus a simple song in unison or a round, canon, or partner songs in parts.

  • Repertoire: We are now ready to prepare repertoire for our next performance, or just for fun!

Repertoire we are working on this year!

  • Rounds and Partner Songs

    • Old Abram Brown

    • Coffee and All Things Shall Perish

    • Sing Me Another

    • To Stop the Train

  • Spirituals

    • Yonder Come Day Arr. Judith Cook Tucker

  • Winter Concert

    • Christmas Song: Feliz Navidad Arr. Mac Huff

    • Round voted on by students: Coffee

  • Spring Concert

    • Spiritual:

    • Student Choice Song:

    • Graduation Song: Home by Phillip Phillips