3rd Grade

What do we do in 3rd Grade Music?


  • Through a variety of musical activities, students will demonstrate musical standards through creating, performing, and responding.

  • Students will be able to sing songs of various styles and cultures using their head voice.

  • Students will be able to play a variety of instruments by echoing the teacher, creating their own patterns, and playing from memory.

  • Students will be able to create tonal and rhythmic patterns using their voice and instruments.

  • Students will be able to identify different genres and styles of music and make connections between personal experiences and a musical work.

  • Students will be able to demonstrate active listening as an audience member.

  • Students will work towards being tuneful, beatful, and artful in and out of the music classroom.

A typical day in music class:

  • Pitch Exploration: Warm up our singing/head voices and get ready to sing!

  • Simple/Fragment Songs: Students will learn a variety of simple and fragment songs throughout the year. Simple songs are songs that the class sings in unison as a class, small groups or even solos! Fragment songs are Echo or Call and Response songs where students echo or respond after the teacher or a student leader sings. Class sings in unison as a class, small groups or even solos!

  • Part Singing: Students will begin singing in parts through Rounds/Canons and Partner Songs. Rounds/Canons are songs with a single melody that can be sung when multiple groups start the melody at different times. Partner Songs are two different songs with the same bassline, meaning they can be sung at the same time by separate groups.

  • Mr. M's Movement Minute: In MMMM, students will follow the leader as we move our bodies in response to a musical work. In this activity, we work on listening to music and moving our body in an artful way as we respond to what we hear.

  • Instruments of the Orchestra: Students will learn about the four families of the orchestra and the instruments that make up those families.

  • Recorder: Students will learn to play their first wind instrument, the recorder! Students will learn multiple notes, patterns with those notes, and songs that use those notes. Students will learn these notes and songs using solfege and the note names on the musical staff. Students will play as a class and solo!

  • If Time... We love to end class with a fun musical game or dance party. But only if we have time after getting through all of the planned activities for the class!

What have we done so far this year?

Pitch Exploration

  • Big Pig

  • Airplane Ride

  • Tossing Toys

Simple/Fragment Songs

  • A Sailor Went to Sea

  • Purple Light

  • My Hat it has Three Corners

Part Singing

  • "What is Part Singing?"

  • Round/Canons

    • Row, Row, Row Your Boat

    • Sing Me Another

    • To Stop the Train

  • Partner Songs

    • Coffee and All Things Shall Perish


  • Kabalevsky's The Comedians: Pantomime

  • Beethoven's Fur Elise

  • Mozart's Sonata in A Major

Instruments of the Orchestra

  • "What is an Orchestra?"

  • The four families of the Orchestra

  • The Instruments of the String Family

  • The Instruments of the Brass Family

  • The Instruments of the Woodwind Family

  • The Instruments of the Percussion Family

  • Game: Instrument Families Four Corners!

  • Book: Ada's Violin

  • Project: Build your own instrument!

  • Peter and the Wolf
