Indian Corn

Learning Target:

Students will be able to create a resist using a crayon and watercolor paints neatly. Furthermore, they will be able cut neatly and glue papers properly.

Success Criteria:

I can use a black crayon to create rows of circles neatly

I can use a black crayon as a resist

I can paint neatly with watercolors

I can cut neatly

I can glue neatly

Indian Corn Step 1.mp4

Indian Corn Step 2.mp4

Indian Corn Drawing out with crayon

Indian Corn Step 3.mp4

Painting with watercolors

Indian Corn painting with markers.mp4

Painting with markers

Indian Corn Step 4.mp4

Painting the cob of corn and husk

Indian Corn Step 5.mp4

Indian Corn cutting and gluing