Guidelines for All Submissions

All submissions must be accompanied by a Student Submission Form (click here).

Title of submission must not include the word “million" in the title.

Prose or Expository Writing: Writing (fiction or nonfiction) that is not poetry.

  • 2 typed pages maximum

  • 12 pt. to 15 pt. font

  • Double-spaced

  • 8.5” x 11” paper

  • 1” minimum margins

  • No artwork or graphics

Poetry: Writing in which language is chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. It often (but not always) follows a specific pattern, and it sometimes (but not always) rhymes.

  • 1 typed page maximum

  • 12 pt. to 15 pt. font

  • 1” minimum margins

  • No artwork or graphics

Art: Drawing, painting, or sketch, with emphasis on black/white contrast.

  • Black and white only

  • 8.5” x 11” paper

  • 1” minimum margins

  • Vertical or horizontal orientation

  • Template located here

Illustrated Writing: Prose or poetry accompanied by illustration(s).

  • 2 typed pages maximum

  • 12 pt. to 15 pt. font

  • 1” minimum margins

  • Writing and illustration must complement each other and be equal in strength.

  • Writing and illustration must follow specifications for Prose or Poetry and Art.

  • Two students may collaborate (one student does the writing; one student does the artwork)

Cartoon: A nonrealistic or semi-realistic artistic style of drawing or painting that conveys an idea or message.

  • Black and white only

  • Must be original

  • Must be drawn on provided template (3 versions of templates can be located here, here, or here)

  • Vertical or horizontal orientation

  • Dialogue (if included) must be clearly written.

All entries are due on December 9, 2022.