Advanced Learning is a variety of supports and services that broaden, deepen, or expand beyond grade level expectations when students are ready for the next level of challenge. 

Irina Ertl 

Advanced Learning/

Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator

Hello, my name is Irina Ertl and I am here to partner with you to find best learning opportunities and challenges for your child. If you believe that your child needs advanced intervention in the classroom, the first step is to speak with your child’s teacher. If you and/or your child’s teacher feel that your child needs additional Advanced Learning support in one or more domains, please send me an email

The process for a match with appropriate interventions includes multiple steps that involve information gathering and possible additional assessments or interviews. You can also attach copies of information that you think will be helpful in considering options that are in the best interest of your child. 

While you are on this page, please take an opportunity to review the Extracurriculars that are offered, and our Resources pages. 

Our program's focus goals are to: