Academic Resources

Our Inclusive Student Services team is here to help you be successful. There are two ways to access support:

  1. All students are welcome for support in Rm 153/154 Monday- Friday from 7:30am-8 am and 2:00pm-2:50pm. This is a drop-in set up and no prior arrangement is necessary.

  2. With permission from your teacher, you can access support during class time. We encourage students to remain in class while curriculum is being taught.

Google Classroom

Our Google classroom allows students to access virtual support and resources to assist with curriculum and wellness.

Room 153-154

The academic resource room provides in person support for academics, self regulation, learning skills and test writing. We also provide a quiet safe space for students who need it.

GLE- Learning Strategies

This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve their learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community. The course helps students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond.

Students must be formally identified through a Durham District School Board IPRC (Identification, Placement and Review Committee) in order to be recommended for this course (must have an IEP- Individual Education Plan).

GLS 101- Skills for Success (Math)

This course aims to meet the needs of students who are experiencing numeracy gaps. It will allow students to study mathematics all year to gain confidence in their mathematical ability, preparing them for their desired post-secondary pathway. Students will be scheduled in this course for Semester 1, and then destreamed/inclusive math in Semester 2. Students may receive only one credit for Grade 9 Learning Strategies, either one for GLS1O1 or one for GLE1O1.

Helpful Homework Resources

Looking for research resources or need to search the PHS library catalogue or the Board's digital library collection?

Looking for practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard? Khan Academy tackles math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more!

Need help with formatting and citations?

To help you keep up with your studies, teacher-facilitated online courses are being temporarily adapted to allow for independent study. These courses were written by Ontario teachers for Ontario students. You can begin when you like and work at your own pace.

Help Reference Guide to using Google Read and Write

Mathify connects students in grade 4-11 with Ontario certified math teachers – online, after school – to help build understanding of complex math concepts and help students solve math problems in real-time, from anywhere.

For information about technology supports that are available to students to help with aspects of reading and writing, refer to this document.

One option for responding to teachers could be to record your voice over the document using Screencastify.

Need practice for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test?

Need practice for EQAO Math?