Autistic Culture,& Identity
Identity First Language
"Autistic" is the preferred term to use by most Autistic people, however always defer to the individual. It is very important to honour someone's preference as our neurology is intricately woven into all aspects of our identity.
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What is Autism?
(Image Description)
A chart shows:
The cultural language of two approaches to Autism
Negative Medical Perspective:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
High/low functioning
Based on deficits
Person needs to change
Special education
"Living with autism"
"These children have autism"
Only diagnosis valid
(image of puzzle pieces)
Positive Identity Perspective:
Autie / Autist
Different types of brains
Autistic pride
Society needs to change
Accessibility education
"I am autistic
"Autistic children"
Self identification valid
(image of gold infinity loop)]
What is Autism
Autistic Theory, Research and Voice
Autistic Identity Within Autistic Culture--Kieran Rose
"I was never aware that what I was looking for was the recognition of my identity and the validation of my culture." -Kieran Rose
Busting Myths and Countering Ableism
10 Things NOT to Say to an Autistic
-Chloe Hayden
But you don't look Autistic!
Autistic Acceptance
Functioning Labels
Why we NEED Autistic Educators
Historical Oppression, Controversies and Barriers to Acceptance
Additional Resources
The Cultural Immune System --Jorn Bettin