The Power of Collaborative Slides

Google Slides

Building collaborative knowledge, encouraging student voice, assessing student thinking, and developing inquiry questions

Google Slides can be an obvious fit as a tool for students to create a presentation in the final stage of the inquiry process. Students can even work collaboratively on that presentation. But Google Slides can also be used as a whole class strategy at any point in the inquiry process to have students share their knowledge of a topic.

The Collaborative Slides strategy we'll look at can be done at the beginning of an inquiry unit to find out what students know and what to know about the topic prior to engaging in an inquiry. Once complete, students can also use Slides to begin to develop an inquiry question.

The Collaborative Slides strategy can also be used in the middle of the inquiry process for students to share their progress with their peers. This allows for students to offer peer feedback on the ideas that students are working through.

The Collaborative Slides strategy also offers an opportunity to for teachers to quickly assess where students are at in their thinking and to provide individualized next steps during conferencing.

Sample Collaborative Slides Template

We'll work through a sample Collaborative Slides presentation together in Google Classroom.

Here's a sample template you can save, modify and share:

Click here and then click the Use Template button to save a copy of this Slides file to your Google Drive.