Autism Ontario

contact details

Website for Autism Ontario:

Website for Durham Region Chapter of Autism Ontario:

Phone: (905) 432-5092

Toll free: 1-866-495-4680


Currently serving hundreds of families throughout Durham Region, Autism Ontario - Durham Region is comprised of parents and others who volunteer their time, talents, and energy to help improve the lives of children, teens and adults with autism. We rely on donations from individuals and members of the business community to fund our programs and services.

Service Navigation Link:

Autism Ontario is playing a key role in offering orientation and system navigation supports to families who are accessing or interested in accessing the new Ontario Autism Program (OAP). Autism Ontario will offer direct supports to families through the OAP Service Navigation Program to:

  • Help families understand the new Ontario Autism Program and the services available to purchase with their Childhood Budgets and/or Interim One Time Funding

  • Find qualified providers;

  • Support families in navigating their local autism services to access meaningful and effective supports;

  • Provide access to parent resources and webinars; and

  • Provide opportunities for families to connect with each other at events, including through peer-to-peer mentoring and social learning opportunities for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Through this new program, families will have access to Service Navigators, who will provide navigation support and information to families through workshops, training sessions and individual direct support. Autism Ontario is funded to provide these supports to families, and there are no fees for families to access these service navigation supports.