Floyd Light Middle School 


Mission and Beliefs: 

The mission of the FLMS Middle School Counseling Department is to inspire all students to reach their academic, career, and personal potential and, in doing so, become successful college and career ready, global citizens. All students will have equal access to the FLMS Middle School Counseling Program, which provides developmentally appropriate activities that include individual and small group counseling and classroom lessons. In addition, students will be treated equitably, with fairness, justice, and respect by all staff. 

The FLMS School Counseling Program does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s color, sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law.

Counselor Samantha Charles (counselor for students with last names A-L): Ms Charles received her BA from Western Washington University and her MS from Lewis and Clark College. This is her 10th year working here at FLMS and 8th year working as a school counselor.  Before working at Floyd Light she was a school counselor in an elementary school in Beaverton.  Originally from the Seattle area and moved to Portland 10 years ago to volunteer for Americorps.  Ms. Charles loves being here at Floyd Light because of the wonderful students and amazing community.  

Counselor Stephanie Johnson (counselor for students with last names M-Z): Ms. Johnson received her Bachelors in Science and Masters of Science from Portland State University. This is Ms. Johnson’s  year. In her spare time she loves to cook, listen to music, spend time with the people that she loves, and hanging out with her cat. Ms. Johnson is enjoying her time at Floyd Light Middle School and loves getting to know students and families. 

How to Contact Us: 

FLMS School Office: 503-256-6511

Samantha Charles (A-L): samantha_charles@ddsd40.org

Stephanie Johnson (M-Z) stephanie_johnson@ddsd40.org

Make an appointment with a counselor

Floyd Light Middle School 

 10800 Washington Street 

Portland, Oregon 97220