Foreign Language Department

Our Teachers

We have an excellent team of bilingual and native speaking teachers who love to help you learn English. Feel free to stop by the office in your free to ask questions or share stories in English.

Also, you can study anywhere, anytime!

Acquiring new vocabulary and grammar structures in your target language can happen in a variety of ways, not just through formal education. Anytime you listen or read something, you are being exposed to new words and sentence structures, whether you realize it or not. This can happen when you're watching a movie or listening to a song. By making a conscious effort to consume media in your target language, you can actively improve your language skills. This will make you more comfortable and confident in the classroom and when using your new language to speak with foreigners.

When learning a language, it is important to become "comfortable with ambiguity," meaning being okay with not understanding everything right away. However, this doesn't mean not paying attention. Close your social media apps and actively listen when watching a series and in class.

Netflix, Disney, and YouTube are all great ways to improve your language skills. You will still need to practice speaking with people, but having a large vocabulary and good listening skills will make you more confident when attempting to speak.




Useful Websites

Free Sites

Test English - Prepare for your English exam ( 

English news and easy articles for students of English ( 

Level Up Reading - A teacher created website for beginners with line-by-line listening and translations. You can also collect creatures as you read. - Chat with a virtual person to improve your reading, listening, and writing skills.

Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free - 

Let's Read - Children's Books 

Read Along - A free reading apps for children from Google. 

Reedsy - A large collection of short stories with a weekly competition.

Paid Sites

Italki - Hire an online language tutor or teacher.

Language Crush & LingQ - These sites help you learn languages from authentic web content.

Epic - Get Safe, Unlimited Access to the Best Kids' Books