Developing the Young Workforce and Careers Information 

Developing the Young Workforce


Mrs C Collin

PT Guidance


University information, including open day dates and deadlines can be found in the following document. 

Pupils receive a comprehensive careers service within the school either in discussion with their guidance teacher and/or by making an appointment with one of our friendly Careers officers. Information can also be found in the Library about university and Further Education courses, University open days and possible apprenticeships. We provide a service to pupils that includes guidance, support and information. All 1:1 sessions are completely individualised, and person centred to the young person, so a wide variety of services and tools are used.

 SDS Have a career centre based in the town centre, where our career guidance continues for anyone once they leave school, in fact it is an all-age service. We have partnerships with many employability services to help people find work, paid training or study. 

Please encourage your pupils to come and see us – they don’t need to wait for an appointment, they are always welcome to drop in for a chat.

Our career website My World of Work can provide tools and activities for teachers to use with their pupils and is an extension of the support we provide. Quizzes such as  My Strengths/ About me are great starter tools  to get our young people  to start to think about their futures. Other resources on the website including  the Career Options section, which is an informative area that explores  the wide variety of jobs that are available, it gives in depth  information on the job along with entry requirements and pathways to get there.  If you have any questions in regard to  anything on this newsletter please pop down to careers room at  anytime.