What is it?
Orienteering is an exciting outdoor adventure sport that exercises the mind and body. The aim is to navigate between controls or checkpoints marked on a map.
Who can do it?
Orienteering is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
Where can I do it?
You can take part in both urban and green areas. Check out our resources around your local area.
How do I get started?
We have both maps and an app available for you to use. The app doesn’t need mobile data to work, it uses the satellite signal to your mobile phone instead! Some enthusiasm and appropriate clothing for the Scottish elements.
More information can be found here: https://www.scottish-orienteering.org/get-involved/what-is-orienteering/
App Guide
1.Download the MapRun6 app on Google Play or the App Store to your GPS-enabled smartphone.
2. Fill in your personal details.
3. Either go to 'events near me' and it will use GPS location to come up with nearest event. Or go to 'select event' and go through UK, Scotland, Dundee then Dundee Active Schools. Select/click the map you wish to download.
(We recommend you download the map while you have access to Wi-Fi or a good mobile signal. Once downloaded, you’ll be able to retrieve the map from local storage on your phone.
4. If you prefer to run using a paper copy of the map, PDF files can be found at the bottom of this page
5. To use this App effectively, ensure you have location set to on, volume up on your phone for notifications and disable your screensaver so it does not interfere with map run.
6. Once you’re ready to go, click on “Go to Start” (if necessary, re-loading the event from local storage in the event list first). You will see numbered circles on the map, these are the points (or controls) you can navigate to.
7. There may be a specific start location (triangle labelled S1), you must visit this to start. For the post box challenges you can start at any control, this will then become your end point too!
Your phone should beep and the clock start timing once you come within range of the start point.
8. Run/walk the course at your own pace. Your phone should beep when you reach each control point. You will need to be within 15m or closer to the exact location for the control to trigger.
9. Once you have found all the points head for the finish (double circle icon), or the control you started at, for the final beep and to stop the clock.
10. The app may automatically attempt to save your results but if you don’t have access to data this can be done later. Please remember to save your results as it will help us know how many people are enjoying using the app! If you have a Strava account you can also synchronise your session direct.
11. To view the results table for the event, select “Show Results” and select the event that you have just completed. You will also be able to view the “track” of your route.
SAFETY - This activity is not part of an event and you take part at your own risk. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Please be aware of all traffic and take care crossing roads. Please be mindful of other pedestrians and park users.
Please do take pictures when you're out and share with Dundee Active Schools on our Facebook or Twitter - @DundeeActiveSch
Things to remember
Start point is marked as a triangle with S1 beside it. You may need to carefully move around the area to identify a signal. If it is a 'start anywhere' map (all post box challenge), pick any control to visit first, this will then be your start and finish.
When controls have lines between them - you must run the course in the number order.
Sometimes you may need to slow down and stop for a couple of seconds, or move around a few paces until your phone registers a control.
Keep an eye out for descriptions of the control points (in clues document below) these will give you some good hints!
Avoid running past the finish before the end of the course, this might accidentally stop the clock!
FAQ's/Problem Shooting
My phone doesn’t register where I am: Trees and bad weather are known to affect the satellite signal which the app works from. Please move around, give it some time and/or try turning on and off your device.
I am at a control, but the course won’t start: Make sure and have a good look, if there is a triangle with S1, you must start there!
We have 2 types of course for our maps:
A line course where you start at the triangle and follow the controls in number sequence.
A scatter course, where you can start anywhere (this then becomes your start and finish) and can visit as many number of controls in any order.
My phone doesn't make sound: Make sure your phone is on loud and volume turned up.
Why doesn’t my phone beep at the same time as my friends? This is OK, each device individually connects through satellite signal so timings may not be exact.
My course time is really short, why is this? If you accidentally pass the 'finish' control before you are finished it will stop your run and therefore your time.
My time has stopped but I still have more controls I want to visit: If you pass the finish at any time during your run, if it is to get to another control the app will think you want to end your run. Plan your route carefully!
I am finished my run but can’t get the clock to stop: You must visit the ‘finish’ control for the clock to stop. It may be a predetermined start/finish (start with the triangle, and end is double circle icon). Or if you chose a control where to start, visit this control to end.
The majority, but not all controls are post boxes, some are points of interest or local landmarks.


















Mill Of Mains




St Andrews

St Fergus

St Francis

St John's

St Marys

St Ninians



West End Campus


Baxter Park

City Centre

Dawson Park

Magdalen Green

The Law







Baxter Park


City Centre





Dawson Park








Magdalen Green

Mill of Mains




St Andrews

St Fergus

St Francis

St John's

St Marys

St Ninians



The Law

West End Campus