Officers Lounge

Positions Available with Descriptions

President: Has the most visibility in meetings and his/her leadership sets the tone for the rest of the club's activities. As president, you will preside over meetings, appoint committees, and cooperate with Ms. Joyner, school administration, and fellow members to make plans that will both educate club members and serve the community.

Vice President: Must be ready to serve in the President's role if he/she is absent. As Vice President you will work with the President, Ms. Joyner, school administration, and fellow members to make plans that will both educate club members and serve the community.

Secretary: Must pay close attention nd take detailed notes on club activities. Must also stay organized and deliver information from past meetings so that members stay up to date on all club activities.

Treasurer: Responsible for staying aware of the club's finances. It is your duty to keep accurate records of the club's bank account and provides reports regularly during meetings. This duty is carried out in cooperation with Ms. Joyner and school administration.

Reporter: It is the Report's duty to let our school and community know what the club is doing. You may write articles for the local newspaper, school website, club website, and/or social media.

Historian: It is the Historian's duty to create a record of activities performed by our club throughout the year. This may be completed as a physical or digital memory book or album. You will work closely with the Reporter to gather these items.

Chaplain: It is the Chaplain's duty to provide words of encouragement, motivation, and to maintain a positive attitude. You will work closely with your fellow officers and Ms. Joyner to ensure that the focus of our club remains true to the National BETA motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others.