

To demonstrate your knowledge of Gateway Drugs write a persuasive email to a friend that is using or thinking about using a Gateway Drug.

Your assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of Gateway Drugs by writing a persuasive email to a friend that is using or thinking about using one of the Gateway Drugs. The purpose of the email is to provide them with facts about the drug and urge them to not use this particular drug.


  • Pick one of the provided scenarios.

  • Highlight the prompt.

  • Research the mentioned drug using the provided links

                  1. Use the graphic organizer to capture your learnings.

  • Use the research and information to write an informative email with facts about the drug and to urge your friend not to use the drug.

  • Your email needs to include a paragraph for each of the following points (3 paragraphs total):

  • Facts (from your research) about the gateway drug.

  • Short and long-term effects of using the drug

  • Where or How to get help.

            • Before submitting your assessment, check your work using the provided rubric.

                1. If needed, make adjustments, add details, or clarify your research to earn the best grade possible.