
Drugs don’t discriminate by wealth, gender, or location. 

They can infect anyone and pull them into a spiral that often has fatal consequences.  

Education is the key to prevention.

Once you're finished with your research, it is time to put together your summative on ONE of the illicit drugs.  


Resources for Creating a Comic Book/Graphic Novel:

Here's a guide to help create a graphic novel/comic book.

Tools to use to create a Comic Novel/Graphic Novel

Web-based tools...

Be sure to create an appealing TITLE page that includes your name(s) and class period.

When finished, download your project and submit it electronically to your teacher OR print and bind your comic book.

Printing in the LMC

Black & White (Printer Name: SMS LMC or SMS-LMC Lab): Free 

Color (Printer Name: SMS Library Color): 25¢ per page

Spiral Binding: 25¢