Kindergarten Handbook

The ABC  ‘s ofKindergarten

A is for attendance:

 The children are asked to line up outside the school near the flagpole/wall.  School begins at 9:00.  Dismissal is at 3:55.


B is for birthdays, book orders, behavior, and backpacks:


A birthday is a special time for young children to share with friends.  You are always welcome to provide a birthday treat for the class and join us in celebrating your child’s special day.  Simple treats such as cookies or prepackaged items work well.  Please do NOT send beverages of any kind or sheet cakes. Birthday celebrations typically take place during the last half-hour of the school day.  If your child has a summer birthday, he or she may celebrate a half-birthday. 

Book Orders

We have a strong belief that a child should have lots of books to look at, read, and enjoy both at school and at home.  In addition to visiting the public library and regularly checking out books, purchasing quality books at a relatively low cost is desirable.  We will send home book orders several times this school year for you and your child to look through.  We have carefully selected these book clubs because of the types of literature that they offer at a reduced price.  If you decide to purchase books, please follow the instructions on the order form and return it to me by the date indicated.  When you send the order and check back to school, please put them in a sealed envelope with your child’s name written on the front of the envelope.  Place the envelope in your child’s folder and we will take it out.

Behavior Expectations:  Positive Behavior Support

We have confidence that together we can develop self-disciplined children.  We have a positive attitude toward your children’s increasing ability to be “in control” at school.  They are continuing to learn how to take turns, listen while others are speaking, listen and follow directions, and show how to respect the rights of others.  When they are unable to do this at any time, they are reminded of the correct behavior.  We want your child to feel good about him/herself and to feel good about being part of the school community.  If they choose to continue the inappropriate behavior they will be provided time to reflect and identify next steps to making better choices.

*It is important that you initial your child’s calendar EVERY NIGHT!  We have found that this is a wonderful daily communication tool.  It is important that your child understands that their behavior in school is important to you.  Children enjoy our daily sticker routine at the end of each school day and they will be proud to show you their daily accomplishments as well.  Occasionally we might miss a child’s calendar when giving out stickers.  If there is a problem please look for the "Think Sheet".  If you do not see a sticker and you don't see a "Think Sheet" you can assume that everything is fine.  The missing sticker will be added the next day.


Each child is required to bring a backpack to school every day.  Please make sure that it is big enough to easily fit a folder and library book inside.


C is for curriculum, conferences, and classroom folders:


The instruction will be driven by the Douglas County School District kindergarten standards. We strive to instruct each child at his or her level.  We will assess on a continuous basis both formally and informally.  These assessments will allow me to build on what your child already knows.


We will be scheduling Learning Celebrations twice throughout the year to give you an opportunity to see and discuss your child's progress in all areas of development.   

Classroom Folders

Every day your child will bring home a classroom folder.  It is very important that you look through it daily.  Your child’s calendar will be kept in this folder.  Please initial it daily!  We will also be sending notes home and returning classwork via the classroom folder.  If you need to send a note, please place it in your child’s folder.


D is for daily activities:

Each day will be full of many fun, developmentally appropriate activities designed to help your child learn and grow in all areas, at his or her own developmental rate.  Throughout the school year, daily activities will include:


Opening Activities

Language Arts Activities

Math Topics

*Science and Social Studies are covered as we progress through our themes throughout the school year.




E is for encouragement and expectation:

This is an exciting time for your child.  Try to find time each day to talk about the activities he/she does in school.  Asking your child about and discussing the work done in school helps reinforce important concepts learned.

As you encourage every effort he/she is making, your child will continue to keep trying.  Every child comes to school with great potential.  We will expect them to work hard and do their best in everything they do.


F is for field trips:

We are planning field trips for this school year.  We will give you plenty of notice regarding dates and times, in the event, you would like to join us.  (Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate younger siblings on these trips.)


G is for goals:

We hope that kindergarten will bring each child a love of learning, a love of reading, and an excitement for school.  We want each child to be happy, feel good about themselves and school, and learn how to work cooperatively with others.  To achieve these goals we need and appreciate the understanding and support of parents.  Working together we can create the best possible environment for your child and help them have a great kindergarten year!


H is for health:

Please send your child to school healthy, rested, and ready for kindergarten.  If your child has a fever, please keep him or her home from school.  Please notify me of any health concerns.


I is for independence:

Help your child learn to be independent and responsible by practicing and doing things on their own, such as tying shoes, bringing their backpacks, returning their folders and library books on time.


J is for journal writing:

The students will have a journal where they will be drafting stories with illustrations.  In the beginning, most of these stories will be personal narratives.  This writing is their own and not expected to be perfect in spelling or form.  They have a great time drawing, writing, and telling their own stories.  This is a very important skill to develop as they become good readers.


K is for kids and keeping safe:

Kids!  That’s what it’s all about!  This is the time to open the doors of learning for children who are so ready to learn.

Kids depend on us to keep them safe.  Help us keep our kids safe at school.  If you are having someone new pick up your child or they are going home in a different way than they usually do, please make sure that you write a note and place it in your child’s folder.  


L is for library:

Every week your child will bring home a library book.  Library books are checked out for one week.  If your child does not return his or her book, he or she may not check out another book until the previous one has been returned. If we don’t have school on a scheduled library day, then children will have library the next week and they may keep their book another week.


M is for money

If money is being sent to school for any reason (activity fee, field trips, and book orders) please send it in the form of a check unless otherwise noted.  Please be sure to put your check in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name indicating what it is for.  We appreciate checks rather than money which can be easily lost.


N is for names:

All clothing, backpacks, or anything brought to school should be labeled clearly with your child’s name.  Many children do not remember what they brought to school.  Please help them and me by labeling everything!


O is for opportunity:

Many new adventures, experiences, and opportunities will take place this year.  We will use these opportunities to help the children grow and learn.


P is for parties and parent involvement:


We will celebrate several holidays as a class.  You are always welcome to join us during our parties.  Parents are often asked to donate food and supplies for the parties. 

Parent involvement

We will be sending out reminders to keep you informed of current and upcoming activities, needs or concerns, field trips, or other topics of interest.  Also, please check your child’s classroom folder daily for notes from me and notes from the office and/or district.  After the children have adjusted to our daily routine we will welcome parent volunteers on a regular basis and invite you to visit our classroom at any time. 


Q is for questions:

We are a team and we greatly value your role and input.  If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child’s education or development, please feel free to contact us.  You can always email us at and  , leave us a message at 303-387-5500, or feel free to drop by after school.


R is for reading and recess:


Reading will be taught with many different literacy activities.  The special language of the printed word is best introduced to children by reading aloud to them from a variety of sources.  The desire to read is nurtured and increased when children see the necessity and joy of reading!  Your child will receive explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics.  Each day activities are presented that assist young children in understanding the relationship between letters and sounds.


Children are asked to have appropriate clothing for all kinds of weather.  Due to Colorado’s changing weather, it is best to have layered clothes and jackets at school every day.  


S is for snacks:

We will have snack time every day.  Children perform much better and behavior issues tend to go down when their tummies are full. Each child will be expected to bring their own individual snack daily. Snacks will not be shared in the classroom.


T is for toys:

Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school.  They can easily be lost or broken and they are a distraction to our learning. 


U is for understanding our world:

In social studies and science, children begin to understand their world as they learn about themselves, others, and the community around them.  Real objects, pictures, films, stories, experiments, and field trips are used to provide information and opportunities for children to learn.


V is for variety:

We will have a variety of music, drama, and art activities in kindergarten.  We will pretend, sing, draw, paint, cut, color, and more!  Large and small muscle coordination is developed through many different movement activities and games as we learn to bounce, skip, hop, jump, and much more.


W is for weather and water bottles:


Our school has adopted storm emergency procedures.  In the case of severe weather, school closures will be announced on radio and television stations.  Our school is in the Castle Rock area.  The school district's weather hotline is 303-387-SNOW.  You may also check the district’s website for school closures: 

Water Bottles

Water bottles are allowed both Ms. Rothfield and Ms. Raverty's class. They will be kept near the sink. 


X is for eXperiences:

Hands-on learning experiences are so important for children as they learn by DOING!  We try many different kinds of experiences in kindergarten to build background knowledge and learning skills.


Y is for YOU - the parents:

The time you give your child will prove to be the greatest benefit as they learn new skills.

We love and need to have parents help in the classroom!  For those who can’t come into the school, there will be opportunities to complete projects at home.  Watch for volunteer opportunities to be sent out via email or talking points.


Z is for z-z-z-z:

Sometimes children need a little more rest at the beginning of the year.  The average kindergartner requires ten hours of sleep each night.  Please maintain a regular bedtime and limit stimulating activities and television during the evening hours.