Classroom Updates: 

In math, we are working on Topic 3 which focuses on multiplying multi-digit whole numbers by 1- and 2-digit numbers. students will work on developing the ability to multiply efficiently and accurately using the standard multiplication algorithm. Throughout this topic, students will multiply whole numbers to solve word problems. 

In reading, we are starting our second topic, titled "Characters Develop Relationships"  Our guiding question of this unit is "Why do we value certain qualities in people?" In this unit, your child will read stories in which he or she compares characters and analyzes their relationships with each other. We will read several excerpts from various stories and compare the responses of characters in them. This will help students get an idea of how different characters interact with each other, and it will also help them understand what makes some characters more likable than others. In addition to this example of realistic fiction, the unit also includes some letters, as well as a biography.