General Info

Club Requirements

  • Over the course of the year, you must complete 10 hours of Community Service through MVHS National Honor Society sponsored events.

  • You cannot double dip on hours. This means that the activities you complete for NHS credit cannot also go towards your graduation requirements or other clubs such as Key Club, FCCLA, etc. NHS will collaborate with other clubs on occasion, such as with Trick or Treat Street, but if you want credit from NHS, you must volunteer through NHS.

  • You must remain in good academic standing (3.75 GPA) or above and must abide by the District and School Code of Conduct (no behavior issues).

Completing and Recording Hours

  • Download the Helper Helper App

  • When you add hours, always complete the following:

    • Name of event

    • Organization: MVHS NHS

    • Hour Verification Can be Completed By:

      • Sponsors

      • NHS President

      • NHS Vice President

  • Every few months we will run a report and post it via Canvas to remind you about how many hours you have completed

Service Events

Always check our Canvas Page for All Service Event Information!

  • Service Events will be located under Modules

  • Please read each event information page carefully

  • Service Events will be announced through the Announcements on Canvas

    • Make sure your notifications are turned on

NHS Meetings

  • We will have two BIG meetings per year

    • First Meeting: October

    • Second Meeting: February

Check the Canvas page for the specific date, time, and location.