
Senior Cording Requirements

  • 10 hours of NHS based Community Service Hours completed for EACH year that you are in MVHS National Honor Society

    • If you were in NHS for 11th and 12th grade

      • 20 hours total (10 junior year and 10 senior year)

    • If you were in NHS for 12th grade only

      • 10 hours total

    • If you were in NHS your junior year, but not your senior year, you cannot cord (must be an active member your senior year)

  • All of your senior year hours need to be completed prior to April 20

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.75

  • Maintain good behavior status

    • No Discipline Issues (no detention, suspensions, etc)

  • Maintain respectable behavior in school and at school events

  • Attend NHS Meetings