Important Information

Contact Me

The best way to contact me is through email:

I will do my best to respond within 24 hours. If you have information that needs to get to me or your students during school hours, please contact the front office.

Each week you will recieve an email with important infromation and reminders. Each month I will send out a newsletter with all of the fun things we're doing in class!


We will spend the end of the day writing in planners together. Students will keep track of their homework along with any important reminders for the day/week in their planner. Please check your student's agenda and folder for assignments as well as other notices. 

I believe that homework is valuable so students can practice what they are learning in class and helps them to take an active role in being responsible for their education. It also keeps you up to date on what we are currently doing in class :) 

Students will keep a reading log and will need to read at least 20 minutes each day at home and record it. 

We have math homework once a week which is due every Friday.

Snacks & Birthdays

Please make sure your student eats a good breakfast each morning and brings a healthy snack that will fill them up! I also recommend that you send them with a water bottle everyday. 

We will celebrate birthdays at the end of the day. If you would like to send in a treat, it must be nut-free. Please do not send in anything homemade. If your student has a summer birthday, we will celebrate with the class in May!