Class Procedures

Class Procedures & Grading

Safety is job 1!

Student safety is the most important thing in our class. Therefore horseplay, roughhousing, or "just messing around" is unacceptable. There are no warnings, if you physically or mentally endanger another student, you will receive a referral.


We have two types of Grades. Content Knowledge grades are based on your performance on tests, quizzes, projects, and assignments that can be completed in or out of class. Work Habits Grades are based on a rubric that is posted in class as well as when some projects or assignments are turned in ( will be notified on the assignment if it counts as a Work Habits grade)

Have Fun and Do Your Best!

Our class should be a fun place for you. To do this, I expect you to do your best in everything you do in our class. At the end of class, I challenge you to ask yourself if you did your best today. Did you do your best with your work, your partner(s), your behavior, your treatment of our classroom? Give your best and I believe you will have fun no matter what!

Class Behavior Expectations

I expect students to be in class and prepared to work when the bell rings. This means you should be in your seat, computer logged on (if you need it for that day), and ready to work. If you are not in the room at the bell, that counts as a tardy, three tardies in a quarter will earn a lunch detention. Every tardy after that will result in lunch detention until three lunch detentions, then a referral will be written.

Classwork Expectations

All work(construction, programming,filming, etc) is to be completed in the classroom (Multimedia has some exceptions but must be discussed with the teacher). Students may work on Tech Ed Presentations outside of class. Students must work on projects every class, and should not misuse technology. All students are expected to cooperate with their chosen partner/group members and solve personal problems diplomatically. If needed, please see Mr. Sheets for mediation.

Bathroom/water bottles

Please use the bathroom and fill up your water bottle during passing periods. You will need to sign out and take the pass. You may use the restroom after the first 10 minutes of class.

Food and Drinks

I allow clear, "un-sticky" drinks in my class as well as quick snacks (which can be eaten within 2 to 3 minutes). Snacks and drinks are not to be shared.

Missing/Late Assignments

Every Friday a missing grade report is emailed, if you have not turned in your work by the due date, the assignment will be marked missing. If you have a missing or late assignment, you have until Wednesday of every week to turn it in. Any missing/late assignment turned in after Wednesday will not be removed from the missing list until the following week. To let me know that you have turned in the Missing Assignment, please fill out theĀ  Missing Assignment Update Form on Google Classroom.