IHE Technology

I will stay on TRACK with my school issued device:


I will demonstrate TRUSTWORTHINESS by:

I will demonstrate RESPECT by:

I will demonstrate ACCOUNTABLE by:

I will show COURAGE by:

I will demonstrate KINDNESS for my device by:


Students will be allowed to access the Internet using their district credentials (Google single sign-on). This wireless connection will continue to have safeguards to ensure that inappropriate Internet content and sites are blocked.  Teachers will be presenting lessons in digital citizenship with their students which emphasizes online safety and protecting their digital footprint.  Please review Digital Safety and Citizenship with your student.  Common Sense Media has numerous resources for parents.

In addition to district-approved content, your child/children may use a variety of instructional websites and applications.   These tools have been vetted and approved by the school administration because of the learning opportunities they provide. Each of these resources offers students the opportunity to share their knowledge and understanding of a topic in a variety of ways including photos, drawing, text, and recorded voice. These tools allow us to teach and reinforce reading skills, math skills, communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.

Your student is required to maintain their device in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.  You will take full responsibility for any damage from any nature or cause whatsoever to their device and will reimburse DCSD in full for the cost to repair or complete replacement of said equipment if it is damaged or destroyed while in possession.  Whether said equipment should be repaired or replaced and the cost of such repair or replacement will be at DCSD sole discretion.  Families will be notified of any charges incurred to repair devices, and payment for damages may be required. 

I understand that if my device breaks, or if I make poor choices while using my device, that I will lose the privilege of my device for a period of time.   My teacher, along with administration, will decide any other consequences based on the IHE Behavior Protocol.

I understand the responsibilities of using a Chromebook/iPad  as an educational resource at Iron Horse Elementary and give permission for my child access to school technology (devices, websites, and applications) while a student at Iron Horse Elementary.

IHE Student Device Agreement / Contract (2023-2024)