Mrs. Fitch's Counseling Corner

Hello parents and students! I am so excited to kick off our 2024-2025 school year!  This is my 16th year in school counseling and 6th year at Gold Rush.  I love working with our amazing GRE students and community.  As we embark upon this new adventure in education my role continues to be supporting our students academic, social and emotional health.

This year we will focus on kindness, conflict resolution and managing our emotions.  I will be using areas of the MindUp curriculum for our 2nd-5th graders in class.  Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUp teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion. Our 1st graders will be doing Social Emotional Lessons that connect with the Little Spot series by Diane Alber and our Kindergartners will be learning the ABCs of breathing with the book Alphabreaths and Alphabreaths Too, both by Christopher Willard PsyD.

I also offer student support individually and in group settings.  Reach out if you feel like your student is in need of supports to help them be the best learners they can be!

 I can't wait to see everyone this year!

Mrs. Fitch

How to contact Mrs. Fitch and request an appointment:

E-mail is the best way to get ahold of me!  You can also talk to your teacher and they will connect with me.

Click above to check out my virtual office! Make sure you click on the items around the room to discover ways to help your feelings find calm or take a moment to reset.