
Lucky for Kindergarteners and their parents the most important homework is the most rewarding. Reading with your child is imperative. Make this time special. Read to them, let them read to you. Spend at least 20 minutes a day reading. 

 Weekly reading envelopes will start coming home after Labor Day. Students will bring home a book with a corresponding writing response on Wednesday to be returned on Monday. This should not feel like a burden. If your child is getting frustrated, take a break! Most importantly, please communicate with me if the assignments are not working for your family. Our hope is to establish healthy work habits-not stressful ones. 

Math homework will be sent home each week in your child's Friday folder. This can be completed anytime throughout the week and sent back whenever the page is completed. This is an opportunity for you to see what mathematical strengths your child has.

I also periodically send out homework bingo. I think the best homework a child can have is to explore the world around them. Natural curiosity and imagination are best cultivated on a hike, riding a bike, or just digging in the dirt in the backyard. Homework bingo is all about having fun while learning.