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Infinite Campus monitors grades and student progress

Reading, Writing, Communicating Colorado Academic Standards

Grading Scales and Rubrics

StudySync is the L.A. curriculum that will be used to teach the 6th-grade standards for both reading and writing.  Each Studysync unit includes high-interest texts from a variety of genres. Students will utilize critical thinking strategies to develop strong comprehension skills.  As writers, students will use the writing process to achieve fluency.  The goal is to become competent readers and writers while finding love for both!  During our book chats and presentations, students will become comfortable speaking in small groups and with the class. Leadership opportunities will also be given while engaging in cooperative learning activities.  

*The advanced class is designed for students formally identified by the district and/or prior school as gifted and talented learners in reading and writing. These students are provided with a rigorous program that includes in-depth, complex instruction and fast-paced study using the same StudySync curriculum. 

Email is the best way to communicate with me.  Feel free to reach out to  Please allow for a 24-hour response time.