Meaning of Standards-Based Marks

Grades - Standard Based Grading

Content Knowledge

-- 4 means exceeds expectations. This student consistently impresses me with going higher, deeper, further than I expect for the typical student.

-- 3 means meets expectations. This student is pretty much where I expect a kid to be on this material/these skills. I am communicating that things are going well.

-- 2 means progressing towards expectations. I’m concerned about this student not being at grade level with learning/skill compared to the typical student. Seeing some growth, just not near enough.

-- 1 means not enough evidence. I don’t feel I can assign an accurate grade to communicate anything of substance. I haven’t seen enough evidence for whatever the reason. Most likely this means interventions are needed and we need to take a fresh approach.

Work Habits

-- 4 means: got it done, got it done well; (exceeds expectations) this student cares, takes care of business, gives above average effort, owns the learning and sets a great example for others in the class.

-- 3 means: got it done; (Meets expectations) When I look at the big picture, this is a pretty typical student for a 12 to 14 year old learner. This student is on the way to developing good life skills and work habits.

-- 2 means: got it done late or was somewhat incomplete (not meeting expectations) . Behaviors are not engaging fully with the material. The effort and level of personal ownership and responsibility definitely have room for improvement.

-- 1 means: worked on it, but not complete . Behaviors are defiant. Minimal effort. This student’s work habits are unsatisfactory by anybody’s definition! This student is resistant and unwilling at this point in time. Lack of productive effort.

We do not average grades.


Content Knowledge

A=Exceeds standards for this grading period

B= Meets standards for this grading period

C=Is progressing toward standards for this grading period

D=Does not meet standards for this grading period

I=Insufficient evidence submitted in this grading period

Work Habits

A=Work habits consistently exceed expectations

B=Work habits consistently meet expectations

C=Work habits inconsistently meet expectations

U= Work habits consistently do not meet expectations