DCSD Librarian Resources


This section includes all forms you need to use to request items from us, procedures, approved resources, almost anything you quickly need to know for your job.

Destiny Quick Links

Below you can find instructions on procedures and processes in Destiny

Cataloging Procedures, Supplies, and Forms

Shipping and Receiving Process, schedules and
printable labels

Professional Development -24/25

Weeding & Discarding Books & Textbooks

What do you do with the discarded books? 


DN - School Properties Disposal Procedure

DN-R - Property Disposal Procedure Regulation 

DLMC Library Media Policy

Follett Support

Follett Tech Support

For Destiny Library Manager, Resource Manager, Follett Shelf, Follett eBook questions, contact the Follett Technical Support Center. 

Hours: 5:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. MST, Monday-Friday

800-323-3397 option 2 

Email: techsupport@follettlearning.com

Titlewave, Ordering, Genrefying Your Library

If you need help with a specific feature in Titlewave or you want to genrefy your library please contact Laura Rodefer.  If you want to change your non-fiction section, please contact Tracie King to discuss.

Follett's Genrefication Best Practices Site

Laura Rodefer

Sales Consultant



Tel: 303-261-6400

Titlewave Rep - Ben Learman, 708-884-8025, blearman@follettcontent.com 

OverDrive Digital Library 

Install the Sora app from your device's app store, or go to: https://soraapp.com

Use School Code: douglasco