Choice Time
Here are a variety of optional hands-on experiences to try out this week! Please feel free to share pictures of your creations and experiments with your teacher!
Building Graham cracker houses with kids
Wowee! I would totally do this! Please be sure to upload a picture on SeeSaw so your teacher can see your amazing creation!
YUM - Dessert anyone?
These all take 3 minutes or less! How fun!
I have to try these!
So many fun ideas it would be hard to pick just one!
Fun crafts for the holidays
Here are some really fun ideas to do for Christmas! Have fun creating! Be sure to take a picture and upload it onto SeeSaw so your teacher can see.
Winter Science experiments
Science is so much fun! These are super simple! Be sure to share what you did with your teacher!
WInter in a jar!
What? Are you kidding me? I have to see someone try this!
Is it time to make ornaments?
Let your imagination flow and decorate those trees. We would love to see what you create! Please share pictures!
Let's Build A Snowman
Make some predictions
Think, Plan, design
Have fun! Take a picture and upload it onto SeeSaw!
Let's build with legos
Here are the shapes! Start planning
Follow these steps!
Take a picture and upload it onto SeeSaw
Write the YARD OR ROOM
In the classroom we often "Write the Room" where kids move about the room with a clipboard and find 20 words that they want to write. Sometimes they have to match a picture and other times they can choose whatever words they wish to write.
For this Write the YARD activity....write sight words on index cards and hide them around your yard. Have your child head out to search for the words and write them on a piece of paper!
DIY Silky Smooth Playdough
If you have some hair conditioner and corn starch (and food coloring for a little splash of color) lying can make this fun playdough! Check out this link:
Let your teacher know if you try out this recipe!
Planting seeds
Spring is in the air! This is the perfect time of year to explore with beans and seeds and let your child watch how the roots sprout. Here are two websites that give you step by step instructions to plant seeds or beans in a bag or a clear jar:
Check out this STEM website for some easy, inexpensive experiments and craft activities. This straw rocket looks simple and fun!
Here is a great way to get active and practice your sight words! Can you write your sight words out in chalk or on paper and lay them out on the ground? Can you hop to them when your mom or dad calls out that word? Have fun hopping!
Lego Marble Maze
Here is a new way to use those legos that you might have around the house. Design a maze with a beginning and an end...create the maze and then work to try to roll a marble through the maze without touching the marble!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Snack
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a kindergarten favorite. You could take a look at this book and song online by following this link:
Next....using what you have on hand at your home....brainstorm how you could create your own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree snack. These ideas might get you thinking. Take a picture of your snack on SeeSaw and send it to your teacher! Happy creating in the kitchen!
Learn how to draw a boy or a girl on Art Hub For Kids
Germs - Easy Hand Washing Experiment
Teacher uses creativity and pepper to explain the importance of washing hands properly!
Materials: Plate or Bowl, Water, Pepper Flakes, Hand Soap!
Kid friendly breakfast recipes!
Fun recipes to do with your kids at home!
Fun animal toast recipes!
Go outside and hunt for these items. See how many things you can find. Have fun!
Fall craft ideas to do at home.
Apple craft ideas!