DCSD's Coaching and Reflection Guide

While this guide is based on the Generalist Rubric, it is easily used with the Educator Rubric, as well. The only notable difference between the Generalist and Educator Rubrics is the inclusion of element 2.6 which refers to the various plans that many educators are responsible for as part of their role.

Standard One: Culture and Climate

1.1 Teacher establishes and models positive relationships with students. 

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

1.2 Teacher creates a safe, well-managed, student-centered learning environment with established expectations, routines and procedures.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

1.3 Teacher establishes an environment that acknowledges and honors multiple aspects of diversity.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

1.4 Teacher uses a variety of strategies that promote emotional safety and inclusivity and help students restore relationships. 

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

Standard Two: Professionalism

2.1 Teacher works collaboratively with colleagues within a professional learning community for the benefit of students.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

2.2 Teacher’s professional goals are aligned to professional growth needs, building initiatives, and/or district priorities.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

2.3 Teacher engages in professional learning to refine their practice.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

2.4 Teacher differentiates communication and engagement opportunities with families based on the individual needs of the student.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

2.5 Teacher demonstrates professional and ethical conduct including following all laws, district policies and school procedures.

There is no guidance available for this element. 

Standard Three: Planning

3.1 Teacher demonstrates an understanding of educational best practices and content knowledge.

Pedagogy = The method of teaching. Common methods include: constructivist learning, collaborative learning, integrative learning, reflective learning and inquiry based learning. 

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

3.2 Teacher purposefully plans lessons that integrate content, including mathematics and literacy practices.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

3.3 Teacher purposefully plans lessons and authentically integrates higher order thinking skills.  

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

3.4 Teacher purposefully plans lessons and authentically integrates the Colorado Essential Skills. 

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

2018 Colorado Essential Skills

2021 DRAFT Revised Colorado Essential Skills

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

3.5 Teacher uses student assessment data to purposefully plan lessons and to meet the differentiated needs of their students.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

Standard Four: Assessment

4.1 Teacher selects and/or creates formal and informal assessments that guide instruction and have a clear purpose.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

4.2 Teacher uses effective, student-centered practices to formally and informally assess students before, during and after learning. 

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

4.3 Teacher analyzes student performance via a body of evidence to support instructional decisions.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

4.4 Teacher provides students with feedback that is precise, accurate, timely, and actionable.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

Standard Five: Instruction

5.1 Teacher uses instructional strategies to facilitate learning opportunities for students to demonstrate content knowledge.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.2 Teacher uses instructional strategies to facilitate learning opportunities for students to demonstrate higher-order thinking skills.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.3 Teacher facilitates authentic opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate growth in the Colorado Essential Skills.  

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

2018 Colorado Essential Skills

2021 DRAFT Revised Colorado Essential Skills

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.4 Teacher differentiates and/or modifies instruction to meet individual student needs based on data and knowledge of students.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.5 Teacher demonstrates responsiveness and flexibility throughout instruction.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.6 Teacher facilitates learning opportunities that engage all students in meaningful and relevant activities.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence:

5.7 Teacher facilitates opportunities for all students to purposefully use tools and available technology to enhance learning.

Guiding/Reflective Questions:

When Observing Consider:

Potential Artifacts/Evidence: