Colorado Technology Education Association
Welcome to the CTEA
Welcome to the CTEA
The Rocky Mountain Region's Technology Education Association - bringing together technology teachers and administration from Colorado and surrounding states to share and strengthen our programs with a shared vision and common goals -
"Provide leadership and support that will produce continuous improvement and innovation in the program. Restore America's status as the leader in innovation." (ITEEA)
Fall Conference - Back on Track!
Fall Conference - Back on Track!
Presentation Links
Presentation Links
Diane Gaston
Alan Rydlund: Career And Technical Training
VCarve and a CNC Mill
Ben Nuebel
Scott Aurand
24 years of curriculum I can share for 10 different engineering & technology classes.
Kent Allison
CTEA Round Table
November 3, 2023 at Colorado Adventure Point
Congratulations to Jared Merrill!
Congratulations to Jared Merrill!
Jarred Merrill became the newest member of the Order of the Filament - the highest honor our organization recognizes. The Order of the Filament has been given out since 1959.
Jarred Merrill became the newest member of the Order of the Filament - the highest honor our organization recognizes. The Order of the Filament has been given out since 1959.