
Water bottles, Lunch and Snack

Water bottles: Please be sure your child has a labeled water bottle each day! The drinking fountains may not be available, so having a personal water bottle will be very important. It can be refilled in our classroom sink as needed.

Lunch: Prior to lunch we will do a supervised hand washing for all students. If your student is bringing lunch from home, they will keep it in their backpack until lunchtime, then they will carry it down to lunch and take it outside with them and place it in our designated spot. Unlike previous years, lunch tubs will not be available. This is an example of a change in procedures to keep your child safe from cross contamination of germs. If your child is having school lunch during the year, it is helpful to have them memorize their lunch number. This is the same as their student number in Parent Portal and is used in their login to many district digital applications.

Snack: We will have a daily snack time. Students will have time to wash their hands and enjoy a snack around 10:10am every day. Please ensure that they have a healthy and manageable snack to get them to lunchtime.

Birthday Treats/Celebrations

We are happy to announce that we CAN bring birthday treats this year to school. They must be PRE-PACKAGED with ingredients listed if possible. We will also be able to sing to our birthday kids! Please note that party invitations should not be passed out in class unless all students are receiving an invite. Email me with any questions or concerns.


Communicating with me: The best way to contact me is through email. My email address is Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Your child's education and well-being is of upmost importance to me. If you need to communicate on a more urgent or time sensitive matter, please call the school office at 303-387-7700 or send a note with your child. I try to answer all emails within 24 hours.

School Communication: School-wide communication is electronic via the Electronic Thursday Folder which will be sent to your email. In addition, Principal Jenny Brown will send out Friday updates on the Principal Blog. Both of these will provide you with important information and I encourage you to peruse them regularly. If you don't receive these school communications, please contact the office to ensure your email is correctly entered in their system.

Arrival & Dismissal

Click Here for Arrival and Dismissal Map


Gold Rush has had tremendous success with our rolling start! If you are returning to Gold Rush, you are aware that all students enter the building between 8:20-8:30 AM and head directly to their classroom. Grade levels/classrooms are assigned a specific entrance and all entrances are monitored starting at 8:20 AM by GRE staff.

Classroom teachers will show students how to enter the building and proceed to their classrooms on the first day of school. Additional adults will be present to support students our first week back.

It is imperative that students are not dropped off prior to 8:20 AM unless they have a previously scheduled meeting or activity as supervision is not available.


We also had great success with our staggered dismissal times for primary and intermediate students. Please see GRE’s dismissal schedule below.

3:20 PM

Students in grades K-2 are dismissed

3:25 PM

Students in grade 3-5 with siblings in grades K-2 are dismissed

3:30 PM

Students in grades 3-5 without siblings are dismissed

Buses for all students are dismissed

**Rolling carloop begins

Students in all grade levels will exit the building using the same door they used during arrival. Teachers in the primary grades will walk their students out and wait at their identified locations until all students have been picked up. Older students with younger siblings who walk home will meet at their youngest siblings’ designated meeting area. At 3:30PM all teachers will walk students to the shade structure on the front blacktop for our carloop.

Parents can park and meet their child at their teacher's identified location or use the rolling car loop. The car loop for all students will begin at 3:30 PM.

Appropriate Dress

Masks: Please be sure your child is wearing a mask as they enter the building. I would highly recommend that they also keep a spare mask in a ziplock baggie in their backpack.

Specials: When it is your child’s turn for P.E. they need to have tennis shoes in order to participate. Keep an eye on our rotating specials schedule to know which weeks they will have PE.

Weather: Children will be playing outside during the day throughout the school year, so please keep in mind our rapidly changing Colorado weather. Please help your child dress appropriately and come prepared for the weather each day.