
Gifted Program at Austin Middle School

Grade 6 Gifted Reading

Students will self-select titles from an appropriate genre list established by the teacher. This course will develop critical and creative thinking along with problem-solving skills. This approach will help students develop higher-level reading skills. This course will also incorporate digital platforms. This is a required course and satisfies the 6th-grade reading requirement.

Gifted Explorations (1 semester) - (For identified gifted students)

Students will explore interest-based units such as mysteries, law, and order, debate, mythology. They will develop effective skills beyond those available in the regular classroom in order to meet their needs as gifted learners. This course will also develop critical and creative thinking along with problem-solving skills. Interest-based units will help students develop higher level reading skills and incorporate digital platforms.

Future City (Fall semester only, for identified 7th grade gifted students)

Students who enjoy playing SimCity, like to build things, and/or like to imagine what things will be like in the future will enjoy this class. Students will work in teams to design a city of the future and then build a table-top model of the city. We will present the cities in the Future City Competition in January.

If You Build It (Spring semester only, for identified 7th grade gifted students)

Students who like to solve problems and build things will enjoy this class. Students will learn about different fields of engineering through hands-on projects which will include the use of 3D printing. This semester will culminate with students working in teams to design rafts and compete in a district-wide Raft Race.