Enterovirus EV-D68


As you may have heard in the news recently, a virus called enterovirus D-68(EV-68) has been spreading in several states.

While we have no reported cases of EV-D68, Charlton Elementary School would like to raise awareness of this by providing our community with information they need to support their children’s' health at home.

In some cases, EV-D68 can cause severe respiratory (breathing) illness among children and other individuals. Such illness has sometimes resulted in hospitalization, especially among children with asthma.

Symptoms to Look For

Children who are mildly ill might have:

· Cold symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, congestion and body aches.

· Wheezing: especially in children who have asthma, but wheezing might occur in other children as well

· Cough

· Fever (sometimes, but not always with this infection)

Children with severe illness might have trouble breathing or severe wheezing, and should be evaluated by a medical provider as soon as possible.

A history of asthma may put children at higher risk for severe illness from EV-68.

Since EV-D68 has not been commonly reported, other symptoms may also be seen.

How It Is Spread

Enteroviruses are transmitted through close contact with a person who has the virus, or by touching objects or surfaces that have the virus on them and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family

There is no medicine to treat for EV-D68 infections other than management of symptoms, which is why it is important to protect yourself and others by reminding your children to:

· Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds especially after changing diapers and after coughing and sneezing in your hands.

· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

· Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick.

· Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if

someone is sick.

· Use the same precautions you would use to prevent the spread of influenza.

These prevention steps are especially important for individuals or persons with family members who are infants, or who have chronic health conditions or compromised immune systems.

What to Do If Your Child Feels Ill

If your child is sick with a runny nose, cough, fever, or aches which are signs of an upper respiratory infection, do not send your child to school. Allow him or her to rest and recover at home. Contact your medical provider immediately if your child becomes seriously ill.

· More information about enterovirus EV-D68 can be found at:


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your school nurse.

Enterovirus Fact Sheet
