All sanction teams of the MSAA are invited to attend the HILLoween Cheer Invitational at SHEPHERD HILL REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL.  Click on the REGISTRATION link (above) to fill out the registration form for our event on or before October 16th (this will allow time to get your team name printed on the back of the cheer gear).  I will be accepting registrations up till Friday, October 20th.  After this date, please email Loretta at landre@dcrsd.org to see if we have any more openings left.  Please contact Loretta with any questions you may have at LANDRE@DCRSD.ORG and she will get back to you.

The registration fee is $125 per team and checks are payable to SHEPHERD HILL CHEERLEADERS.  

Please be sure to fill out the REGISTRATION LINK to save your spot!  Teams will be placed in their divisions set by the MSAA.  The COED, Game Day, Junior Varsity, and Middle School Divisions will be divided into Small School / Large School Divisions if 10 or more teams register in that division. 


**Novice All Girl Varsity Division is available for teams that are in a rebuilding year and would like to get the experience of competing. Please read the Novice Rules (listed above) to follow the additional safety guidelines set by the tournament director of Shepherd Hill Regional High School.