Taking Part in the March

It seems strange that in this race for equality, not all would be seen as equal. Sadly, women of color were often overlooked by their white counterparts. Black and brown women faced a formidable challenge in the fight to get the vote, but they stood their ground with help from the leadership of several strong women, including one who would not be silenced.

“Queen of Our Race”

Side by side with the whites she walked,

Step after step the Southerners balked,

But Illinois, fond of order and grace,

Stuck to the black Queen of our race.


Page after page in history you’ll read

Of one who was ready and able to lead,

Who set the nation on fire with her pace

And the Heroine will be the Queen of our race.

Excerpt from From Mental Pearls, a book of original poems by Bettiola H. Fortson (published by Julius F. Taylor in 1915)