Programme Overview

Week Without Walls is a significant part of the DBIS experience, and attendance at one of the activities is required. 

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will attend their year-group trips or planned events. 

Students in Years 10–13 will have a choice of activities.

Year 7


Introduction to the house system

Opportunities for students to interact

Team-building games

Engage in a range of outdoor education activities


Effective Collaborators

Confident Communicators

Year 8





Wellness Experience

Physical Recreation


Responsible Citizens

Mindful Leaders

Balanced Individuals

Year 9


Cross-Cultural Insight: Students gain a deep understanding of themselves, the world and their place in the world.

Direct/Immersive Learning: Hands-on experiences lead to memorable moments and true learning by engaging the senses and erasing the distance between lesson and learner.

Service: During the trip, students are given opportunities to partake in service work, which allows them to contribute to meaningful projects aimed at improving the communities they are visiting.


Balanced Individuals

Effective Collaborators

Responsible Citizens

Year 10–13 Overseas Trips


The overseas trips provide a range of benefits, including opportunities for cultural participation, voluntary services and deeper exploration of the Learner Profile attributes.

Through participation, students have the chance to immerse themselves in different cultures, traditions and customs. This first-hand experience allows them to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives and global citizenship. By engaging in voluntary services, students actively contribute to the communities they visit, fostering a sense of empathy, compassion and social responsibility.

Through real-life experiences and challenges encountered during the trips, students have the chance to apply and enhance these skills and attitudes. They learn to think critically, collaborate effectively, communicate across cultural boundaries, think creatively to solve problems and develop resilience in unfamiliar environments.


Problem Solvers

Effective Collaborators

Responsible Citizens

Year 10–13 Hong Kong-Based Activities


The HK-based programme offers specific trips within Hong Kong, tailored to the interests and areas in which students want to develop new skills and interests. Each trip provides an opportunity for students to engage in leadership, service or personal development within their local context.

Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within their school or community, participate in meaningful service projects that address local needs or engage in personal growth activities that promote self-reflection and development.

Participating in the Week Without Walls programme encourages them to step out of their comfort zones and make meaningful connections with their fellow peers and providers while building valuable skills, cultivating positive attitudes and adopting behaviours that contribute to the betterment of themselves and community.


Creative Thinkers

Confident Communicators

Committed Learners