2.2 What do I do if I need to apply for an extension?

Extensions (extra time to complete an assessment task) may be granted to a student in some cases of illness and/or misadventure. A student must apply in writing at least ONE week before the scheduled date of the task (see ‘AIM Form’ for details).

2.2.1 Applying for an extension

(a) Obtain an “Application for Illness and Misadventure Form” (refer to copy in Section 3 of this handbook).

(b) Complete the form and return it to the relevant KLA Leader of Learning at least one week prior to the scheduled due date.

(c) The application will be considered by the Director of Teaching and Learning and KLA Leader.

(d) The student will be notified of the decision and if the extension is:
(i) granted, a new submission date will be given
(ii) declined, the student has the right to appeal this decision. This is done by writing to the Principal, who will discuss the application for extension with the student, Director of Teaching and Learning and relevant KLA / teacher.