Classroom Policies


Student learning will occur primarily in the classroom with homework for review or completion of daily work. I find that focusing on learning in the classroom with small amounts of homework results in better learning.

Grading Policy

Daily grades will count for 40% of the grade. All major projects and assessments will count for 60% of the grade. A minimum of 2 daily grades will be taken per a week and 1 major grade every two weeks.

Late Work Policy

Students are given 3 class days after the established due date to turn in late/missing work. Students will receive a maximum of 70% of the original grade for assignments that are received up to 3 class days after the established due date.


On daily work, students are given 3 days to correct any grade below a 70. On assessments, students must first do corrections within 3 days using the proper forms in Ms. Fields’s class. If the student still wants to retest, the student must schedule the retest when corrections are turned in. Retests are done after school.

Google Classroom

All of the notes for class will be posted on the Google Classroom site. The classroom access codes will be given in the classroom and sent through skyward.