Class Supplies

Materials Needed

This year to reduce the spread of COVID-19 students will not chare supplies in class.

The supplies listed below will be need for class everyday:

  • Composition Notebook
  • Pencil
  • Pen (blue/black only)
  • Red pen for correcting work
  • Permanent Black Marker
  • Map pencils or crayons (Crayola brand is preferred because they last longer)
  • Glue Sticks (We will use these every day until the end of the year. I would recommend starting with at least 12.)
  • Scissors
  • box of Kleenex
  • Optional: a plastic pencil box if you would like to leave your supplies in class.

There will be projects throughout the year that may require other supplies (ex. poster or household items.)

If there are any problems obtaining the supplies or you would like to donate extras for other students, please, speak to Ms. Fields.