School Supplies
2023-2024 School Supply Lists
If you purchased a supply bundle from PTA by June 22, your student's supplies will be delivered to their classroom before school begins.
Scroll down for a PDF containing all supply lists or view the lists below:
PreK 3
2- Scottie tissue box 185 count
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
1- Crayola Crayons 24 count
1- Crayola washable watercolors 8 count
2- Elmer’s washable purple glue stick .77 oz
2- Anti-bacterial wipes 40 count
1- Expo assorted dry erase bullet tip markers- 4 count
2- Elmer’s school glue 4 oz
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- 12x18 solid 50 count construction paper
1- resealable gallon size zip top bags 20 count
PreK 4
2- Scottie tissue box 185 count
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
1- Crayola Crayons 24 count
1- Crayola washable watercolors 8 count
2- Elmer’s washable purple glue stick .77 oz
2- Anti-bacterial wipes 40 count
1- Expo assorted dry erase bullet tip markers- 4 count
2- Elmer’s school glue 4 oz
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- 12x18 solid 50 count construction paper
1- resealable gallon size sip top bags 20 count
2- unscented baby wipes soft pack 80 count
2- Crayola crayons 24 count
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
1- Colorations watercolors 8 count
1- Elmer’s school glue 4 oz
12- No. 2 Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils
12- Elmer’s small washable white glue stick .21 oz
1- 5” blunt tip scissors- larger handle
1- green poly pocket with brad folders
1- red poly pocket with brad folders
4- Expo black dry erase chisel tip marker
8- Expo black dry erase fine tip marker
1- Marble Story Comp book red story baseline 100ct
1- Unscented baby wipes soft pack 80 count
1- Clorox disinfect wipes soft pack 30 count
1- resealable sandwich size zip top bags 50 count
1- resealable gallon size zip top bags 20 count
2- Scottie’s tissue box 110ct
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- 9x12 assorted construction paper 50 count
1- 7” pre-sharpened colored pencils 12 count
1st Grade
5- Expo assorted dry erase fine tip markers 4 count
5- Expo black dry erase fine tip marker 1 count
3- 8.5x11 ½”ruled red baseline story tablet 40 count
1- 1 subject wide ruled yellow spiral 70 count
1- plastic school box 8.5x5.75x2.5
1- Disinfecting wipes 35 count
3- Crayola crayons 24 count
1- 1 subject wide ruled red spiral 70 count
1- resealable quart size zip top bags 20 count
1- Magic Eraser 2 count
1- Red poly pocket folder with brads
1- subject wide ruled blue spiral 70 count
24- No. 2 Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils
2- pink bevel eraser (latex free)
1- pointed tip 5” scissors- larger handle
1- waterless hand sanitizer 8 oz
1- Unscented baby wipes soft pack 80 count
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50ct
1- Green with poly pocket folder with brads
6- Elmer’s small purple washable glue stick .21 oz
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
2nd Grade
2- Crayola crayons 24 count
1- 1 subject wide ruled yellow spiral 70 count
1- pink bevel eraser (latex free)
4- Elmer’s washable purple glue stick .77oz
1- Green with poly pocket folder with brads
1- Fiskars 5” pointed tip scissors
1- Plastic school box 8.5x5.75x2.5
2- facial tissue 100 count
1- 1 subject wide ruled green spiral 70 count
1- Yellow poly pocket folder
1- subject wide ruled spiral blue 70 count
36- No. 2 Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils
1- resealable sandwich size zip top bags 50 count
1 Expo assorted dry erase chisel tip markers 4 count
1- 12x18 assorted construction paper 50 count
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- 8.5x11 ½” ruled red baseline story tablet 40 count
3rd Grade
2- 1 subject wide ruled green spiral 70 count
2- 1 subject wide ruled yellow spiral 70 count
2- 1 subject wide ruled purple spiral 70 count
2- Wide ruled black marble comp book 100 count
1- Pink bevel eraser (latex-free)
24- No. 2 Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils
2- Blue poly pocket folder with brads
2- Red poly pocket folder with brads
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
1- Crayola crayons 24 count
1- 7.25”pointed tip scissors
1- Plastic school box 8.5x5.75x2.5
8- Elmer’s washable purple glue stick .77 oz
1- black poly pocket folders with brads
2- Green poly pocket folder with brads
2- resealable sandwich size zip top bags 50 count
2- Scottie’s tissue 110 count
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- waterless hand sanitizer 8 oz
4th Grade
4- Expo black dry erase chisel tip marker 1 each
2- Pink bevel eraser (latex free)
1- 7.25”pointed tip scissors
6- Elmer’s small purple washable glue stick .21 oz
1- Red pencil sharpener with receptacle
36- No. 2 Ticonderoga pencil latex free
5- wide ruled black marble comp book 100 count
1- plastic school box 8.5x5.75x2.5
1- red poly pocket folder with brads
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thick markers 8 count
2- Facial Tissue 100 count
2- Disinfecting wipes 35 count
1- waterless hand sanitizer with pump 8 oz
4- Expo black dry erase fine tip marker
1- 12x18 bright white construction paper 50 count
1- blue poly pocket folder with brads
1- resealable gallon size zip top bags 20 count
1- resealable sandwich size zip top bags 50 count
1- Crayola 7” colored pre-sharpened pencils 24 count
5th Grade
3- Elmer’s washable purple glue stick .77 oz
48- No. 2 Dixon Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils
3- Facial tissues 100 count
1- Pointed tip 5” scissors large handle
1- Crayola 7” colored pre-sharpened pencils 24 count
2- Sharpie accent florescent yellow highlighter chisel tip
1- Crayola ultra clean wash thin tip markers 8 count
1- Expo assorted colors dry erase bullet tip markers 4 count
4- Expo black dry erase fine tip marker
1- Disinfecting wipes 35 count
1- Red poly pocket folder with brads
1- Yellow poly pocket folder with brads
3- wide ruled 8x10.5 filler paper 100 count
2- Large pink pearl/carnation eraser
3- Wide ruled black marble composition book - 100 count
This PDF contains all of the 2023-2024 school supply lists.