Meet Mrs. Cheek

Mrs. Cheek's Email:

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Scholastic Code: Q2MNG

 Classroom Wish List 

Welcome to Mrs. Cheek's classroom website. The opportunity to teach your children this year is beyond exciting.  A little about me... I have been married to my husband, Al, for 25 years and we have 2 children.  Will is 22 and Katy is 19.  Will has just graduated from college this year and is working for Wells Fargo in Charlotte.  Katy graduated from Davie High and has just started at Appalachian State University.  We are now empty nesters!

  In my spare time I love spending time with my family, reading, exercising :) and having dinners out! 

I am blessed to be able to teach your children this year and and can not wait to love on them!

If you ever need to contact me do not hesitate to reach out either through Classdojo or my email.

Weekly Newsletter 

Cheek Newsletter.pptx