Safety- The most important job of the school is to ensure that all students and staff are safe. That starts with making choices with safety in mind both in and out of the classroom for yourself and others. Safety includes physical, social, and emotional safety.

Ownership- Ownership means taking responsibility for your actions and behavior. When we make a decision at school, it is nobody else’s but our own. This includes academics and behavior. We don’t blame others for the choices we make.

Acceptance- We believe that all people are unique, and that our differences make us stronger. Acceptance means that we don’t judge those who are different from us. We accept them for who they are. Acceptance also means that we take feedback from ALL school staff. We are willing to listen and understand that directions from any adult are to be listened to.

Respect- Showing respect for someone means that you act in a way that shows you care about their feelings and well-being. It is thinking and acting in a positive way towards yourself and others. It is being polite and showing kindness to others even when that person may not be someone you are familiar with.