
I have over 15 years experience using GIS software (Arc, Q,  R, and Python) and lead trainings for both new and experienced analysts.

The map on the left demonstrates population density in Viet Nam from 2020 estimates available at  Done using Python and Adobe Illustrator

January 2024

#Vietnam #Python #Adobe


The map on the left demonstrates the rough population distribution by sector in Rwanda.  Population data and shapes found here.  Link to Rwanda National Statistics Agency here. - updated December 2018


The map to the right is a map of Niger population by commune.  Data can be found here. - updated October 2018


The map to the left is housing prices per square meter in Portugal by district.  You can see that Lisboa/Lisbon is clearly the most expensive area in Portugal.  data here. - updated September 2018


The map to the right is the price per square meter of houses in France in the first quarter of 2018.  Higher cost areas in general look like southern and western coastal areas, Paris area, and departments near Switzerland.  Data is here. - updated August 2018


The map above is average appraised value of housing in Spain by province in the first quarter of 2018.  Looks overall like the Granada area, Basque country, Madrid area, and near Barcelona have the higher appraised values.  Data is from here. - updated August 2018


The map of Senegal above includes the regional and departmental boundaries as well as shading by communes from the National Census performed in Senegal in 2013.  The dark blue shape in Diourbel is Touba which has the second largest population after Dakar. 

- updated January 2018.

Link to data at the Senegalese National Statistics Agency (or Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Demographie) 

2015 Gender Inequality Index- UNDP.pdf

United Nations Development Program Gender Inequality Index 2015: lighter color indicates a higher estimated inequality.                       

- updated 2017.


US Crime: United States Violent Crime Rate in 2014: Interesting that the rate is not necessarily highest where there is the highest population or population density.          

- updated 2017