Employee Rate Templates

Employee Rate Templates simplify the configuration of common configuration data of Employee Mappings.

Employee Rate Templates are used to calculate the supplier bill rate. An Employee Rate Template has the following properties.

AutoPay ships with a default set of employee rate templates which match the current rates. While all caution is taken to ensure these rates are correct, no responsibility can be taken for incorrect rate settings.


Unique name for this rate template.


The type of the rate template. The type of the template has to match the type of the employee mapping.


A description further explaining when this rate template is used.

Superannuation Rate

The superannuation rate in % to account for. Usually only applicable for PAYG employees.

Payroll Tax Rate

The payroll tax in % SCM0007 receive for their worker.

Supplier Fee Rate

The commission the supplier receives in %. Usually higher in the 1st year and lower in the 2nd year and beyond.

Supplier Variance Rate

In case any adjustments have to be made. This rate can be used to accommodate any potential adjustments. Usually 0%.

Work Cover Generic Rate

Worker cover rate for PAYG employees, usually 0 for ABN contractors.