Google Classroom


I hope you and your family are well.  Below is a brief description of how grading will work in Music Class this year. Please see our music handbook or contact Mr. Petrusaitis for further details.

Link to Google Classroom

Class Participation  – 45% - This is a combination of student attendance and willingness to learn while present in class.

Music Performances – 30%  - Students will be asked to perform various practiced exercises on their chosen instruments.

Assignments – 20% - This grade will consist of various exercises, games, and experiences while attending class.

Personal Goals5%  - Students will be asked to keep a personal goal log with at least one entries per week detailing what they have been working on.

Below is an explanation of the approach we are implementing throughout our department.

Planning - The CMP Approach

Using "Google" Classroom To Teach With Intention, Perform With Understanding

Advances in technology are some of the most important changes we face as teachers and students. How can technology enhance--and not get in the way of--an effective learning experience? Equipping yourself with an effective process for planning instruction will help you effectively implement technology to enable meaningful experiences for your students.

CMP is a planning process developed to help teachers explore the elements of meaningful music performance skills, knowledge and affect, and integrates those elements into student-centered teaching plans. The training process helps music teachers clarify priorities without losing their own the essence of their own approach.

Simply put, CMP is teaching with intention & performing with understanding.