
Dwarven History

The Dwarves, or Khazâd in their own tongue, were beings of short stature, typically less than five feet tall who lived in mountain homes from the time that Middle Earth awakened. Unlike elves and men, Dwarves are not counted among the Children of Ilúvatar. Their creator was Mahal, known as Aulë the Smith.

While there were several tribes (Houses) of the Dwarves, the most prominent was that of the Longbeards. Most of the members of Thorin's Company are Longbeards, and Thorin is their ancestral King who can trace his lineage back to one of the original 7 dwarves created by Mahal.

The Dwarves are creatures of stone, and prefer living in vast underground cities that Men and Elves never see. Unfortunately, they have lost many of their great kingdoms over time: Khazad dûm (Moria), Nogrod, Belegost, Erid Mithrin, and Erebor have all fallen to dragons, orcs, or other evils. Only the Iron Hills and the Blue Mountains remain under Dwarven control at the time of the Quest for Erebor.

Dwarf Lives

Dwarves are an insular people who do not trust outsiders such as men, and they have little familiarity with hobbits, but find their soft lives incomprehensible. They dislike and distrust Elves: there is a long history of enmity between them, with numerous conflicts over the course of their shared history. However, Dwarves will ally with Men and Elves when facing foes such as Melkor, Suaron, or the Witch King of Angmar.

Dwarves are very resistant to evil, and have successfully denied both Morgoth and Sauron power over them. However, they are prone to greed and Dragon sickness.

Dwarves are expert miners and master craftsmen, with many being blacksmiths, jewelers, and stoneworkers by profession. They are rivalled in their arts only by the most talented of Elves.

Dwarves have more than twice as many males than females. However, many of the cultures in Middle Earth think that there are only male dwarves, since both genders grow beards!

Thorin's Company

Thorin, son of Thrain called Oakenshield

Fili and Kili, sons of Dis, nephews to Thorin

Balin and Dwalin, sons of Fundin, cousins to Thorin

Oin and Gloin, sons of Groin, cousins to Thorin

The brothers Dori and Nori, and their cousin Ori, distant relations to Thorin

The brothers Bombur and Bofur, and their cousin Bifur

Gandalf the Grey

Bilbo Baggins