
Ab initio

Head of German: Mrs G Green

We advise students with grade 7/8/9 at GCSE to choose standard or higher level, rather than an ab initio qualification in a language previously studied at GCSE.

Aims of the course

The ab initio Standard level course is available in German. The overall objective of the ab initio course is for students to achieve communicative competence in a variety of everyday situations. To promote this, the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be regularly practised so that students develop their ability to both understand and use the written and spoken word.

Learning a foreign language provides the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation. We will encourage an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures.

The aim of the ab initio course is to promote the idea that learning a language is more than a school subject and to encourage students to continue to use their language skills independently after the course.

Course outline

The course focuses on everyday situations and aspects of the culture related to them. This ensures that the appropriate emphasis is placed on communication. The course is organized into topic areas which provide the teacher and the student with a context in which communicative functions and grammatical structures and vocabulary can be practised. Topics studied include the following:

  • Identities
    Personal attributes, personal relationships, eating and drinking, physical well being

  • Experiences
    Daily routine, leisure, holidays & tourism, festival & celebrations

  • Human Ingenuity
    Transport, entertainment, media, technology

  • Sharing the Planet
    Neighbourhood, education, the workplace, social issues

  • Social Organisation
    Climate, physical geography, global issues, environment


External assessment:

  • Paper 1: Writing 1 hr (25%)

  • Paper 2: Receptive skills:

    • Listening comprehension 45 min

    • Reading comprehension 1 hr (50%)

Internal assessment:

Individual oral 7-10 min + 15 min preparation time (25%)

This is an intensive language learning course which will enable committed students to achieve a very high standard by the end of the two years. During the course, visiting the target language country to practise language skills acquired is therefore highly recommended.

University opportunities

An ab initio language can be continued to a higher level at university and languages can also be combined with a wide variety of other subjects in joint honours courses.

Apprenticeship opportunities

Students who enjoy languages may think about a higher or degree level apprenticeship to train in the areas of aviation operations, nursing, event operations, international trade/logistics operations or HM Forces.


Standard and Higher level

Head of German: Mrs G Green

We advise students with grade 7/8/9 at GCSE to choose standard or higher level

Aims of the course

Standard and higher level courses are available in German. Students following this course will be expected to have studied the relevant language successfully to GCSE level.

Students will be equipped with the necessary skills to be successful in the target language in both social and professional contexts: the higher level course also aims to prepare students for the study of German in Higher Education.

At both standard and higher level, students learn to communicate in the target language in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. They describe situations, narrate events, make comparisons, explain problems, and state and support their personal opinions on a variety of topics relating to course content.. The distinction between standard and higher level can be seen in the level of competency the student is expected to develop in the four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Learning a language is intellectually stimulating and we aim to promote the enjoyment of language learning. We also aim to raise students’ awareness of the links between languages and different cultures.

What skills will you gain?

At the heart of the courses are the three central elements of language, texts and cultural awareness. Students will be able to recognize, understand and produce a number of different types of texts to suit specific social and linguistic purposes.

Course outline

The study of two literary works originally written in the target language is required only at higher level.

The study of two literary works originally written in the target language is required only at higher level.

    • Identities
      Health & well-being, beliefs & values, lifestyles, subcultures, language & identity

    • Experiences
      Leisure, customs & traditions, holidays & travel, migration, life stories

    • Human ingenuity
      Communication & media, technology, scientific innovation, entertainment, artistic expressions

    • Social organisation
      Social relationships, education, the working world, community, social engagement, law & order

    • Sharing the planet
      The environment, globalisation, human rights, peace & conflict, equality, ethics, urban & rural environment


Students will be assessed on their understanding of three interrelated areas: language, cultural interaction and message. Both standard and higher levels are assessed in the April/May of Year 13 of the course. Formal assessment includes external examinations and internal assessment, as follows:

Standard level

External assessment:

  • Paper 1: Writing 1 hr 15 (25%)

  • Paper 2: Receptive skills:

    • Listening comprehension 45 mins

    • Reading comprehension 1 hr (50%)

Internal Assessment:

Individual oral 12-15 min + 15 min preparation time (25%)

Higher level

External assessment:

  • Paper 1: Writing 1 hr 30 (25%)

  • Paper 2: Receptive skills:

    • Listening comprehension 1 hr

    • Reading comprehension 1 hr (50%)

University opportunities

Students who wish to study a language at university are advised to take it for higher level. A higher level language (as a facilitating subject) could also help you secure a place on a range of courses from accountancy to philosophy to retail management. Languages can also be combined with a wide variety of other subjects in joint honours courses.

Apprenticeship opportunities

Students who enjoy languages may think about a higher or degree level apprenticeship to train in the areas of aviation operations, nursing, event operations, international trade/logistics operations or HM Forces.

German ab initio 2021.pdf

Download a printable version of the German
ab initio course details

German SL HL 2022.pdf

Download a printable version of the German
Standard and Higher level course details