For Teachers

This site will be utilized to encourage dialogue and collaboration between members of the Broadview Middle School community.

Please let us know what other tech questions or tutorials you would like. When asking a question, please email or We will post the questions and answers below.

Professional Development Ideas

  1. TED Videos - An incredible amount of videos from speakers all over the world. They cover topics such as education, tech, politics, etc.

  2. Edutopia - This site was founded by George Lucas (aka Jedi George). Its goal is to transform the K-12 education environment for the students and teachers. Also, the site plays host to projects such as "Every Kid Has a Story to Tell"

  3. Teach Hub Education Blog - Teaching strategies, classroom management are just a few of the topics covered in this site. The site is constantly updated several times a week.

  4. This Week in Education - this is a combination of teaching tips, news in education, and fun student activities.

  5. Teacher Toolkit - this site hails from the UK and has a lot interesting ideas. There is a poster section that has everything from pep talks to Rita Pierson's "Every Kid Needs a Champion".

Frequently Asked Questions: (coming soon)